Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Training, SAQA 120305, Level 5, 8 Credits: 2 Days
In this modern day, gone are the days when a supervisor or manager ruled with fear over employees and still got results out of their team. Emotional Intelligence is a part of you that affects every aspect of your life. Understanding the root causes of your emotions and how to use them can help you to effectively identify who you are and how you interact with others. Benefits of this Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Training program is that when it is applied it will develop employees, supervisors and managers that will now understand the roles that their emotions and of others play in the work place.
The content to be covered during the Training will be as per below:
Explain the role of emotional intelligence and how it impacts on leadership
- The concept of emotional intelligence is explained with examples
- The role and concept of self-esteem is analysed in terms of its relationship to emotional intelligence
- The concepts and roles of self-confidence and assertiveness is analysed in relation to leadership
- The role of emotional intelligence is discussed in terms of its impact on leadership
- The concept locus of control is explained in relation to its impact on leadership
- Attitudes are analysed in relation to responses in various leadership situations
Analyse the relationship between emotional intelligence and self-awareness in relation to leadership
- The role of self-awareness in leadership is defined and analysed with examples
- The role of self-awareness is discussed and techniques for enhancing self-awareness are identified and applied in order to enhance leadership ability
- The ability to deal constructively with reality is developed in order to enhance leadership potential
- The role of feedback is discussed and analysed in relation to developing and enhancing self-awareness
Analyse the relationship between emotional intelligence and self-management in relation to leadership
- The role of self-management in leadership is defined and analysed with examples
- The role of self-management is explained and techniques for enhancing self-management are identified and applied in order to enhance leadership ability
- The concepts and role of emotions, moods, temperament and emotional disorders are explained in relation to the impact they have on self-management and leadership
- Emotions are categorised into clusters and an indication is given of the non-verbal signals that can reveal the presence of emotions
- The impact of stress is examined in the context of emotional intelligence and techniques identified for managing stress for optimal interactions and performance
Analyse the relationship between emotional intelligence and social awareness in relation to leadership
- The role of emotional intelligence in handling relationships with others is discussed with examples from a leadership perspective
- The importance of being sensitive in demonstrating social awareness is explained with examples
- The role of emotional intelligence in building and maintaining levels of trust is discussed with examples
- Techniques for managing feedback to others in an emotionally intelligent manner are identified and explained using examples
- The impact of emotional intelligence in dealing with varying social contexts is outlined and analysed with examples
- The importance of overcoming preconceived notions when dealing with social issues and problems is discussed with examples
Apply techniques for responding to situations in an emotionally intelligent manner
- Emotional skills for coping with varying situations are discussed and applied in a leadership context
- The implications and consequences of applying emotional intelligence is explained with reference to motivation, conflict management and creating a positive environment
- Behavioural skills for coping with different scenarios in an emotionally intelligent manner are identified, discussed and applied to a leadership context
- Self-analysis is conducted to determine own emotional intelligence abilities
- Self-analysis is conducted to determine levels of emotional intelligence in given situations
- Strengths, talents and weaknesses are identified and the necessary actions taken to minimize weaknesses and enhance strengths and talents
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