Basic Business Ethics – 113924, Level 2, Credits 2: 2 Days
Business Ethics in the workplace will help you to behave in a professional manner by applying ethics in your business environment.
The following areas will be covered:
1. Reflect on own values and belief systems and how they influence own behaviour
- The concepts of values, belief systems and ethics are explained with examples
- The source(s) of values and belief systems are identified and an indication is given of how an individual`s ethics and values affect behaviour.
- Ways in which an individual may change his/her belief or value system are identified with examples
2. Discuss how an individual`s ethics impact on the people around him/her
- Ways in which an individual`s ethics impact on behaviour and interpersonal relationships are indicated with examples
- The impact of personal ethics on the use of language is explained with examples
- The importance of respecting confidentiality is explained in own context
- Ways in which an individual can influence the behaviour of others are identified and an indication is given of how this can impact on ethical conduct.
3. Explain how an individual can behave ethically in a business environment
- The concept of ethical business practice is explained with examples
- Adherence to company policy and confidentiality are discussed in terms of ethical conduct
- Ethical ways of receiving and giving gifts and favours in a business context are discussed with reference to an organisation`s code of conduct
- The importance of honesty in business dealings is explained with examples
- The deliverables in own work situation are identified and an indication is given of the importance of productivity, accountability, attendance and delivery of work on time.
4. Demonstrate techniques for dealing with situations where own ethics and values conflict with work
- Methods for dealing with unethical behaviour are demonstrated for three different situations
- Methods of dealing with unethical business conduct are demonstrated for three scenarios
- Own values and beliefs are compared to company practice and an indication is given of how an employee can deal with a situation where there is a conflict of an ethical nature
- Ways of dealing with instances where an employee`s rights are undermined are demonstrated for three case studies.
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