business writing

Business writing training, SAQA 115790, NQF Level 5, 5 Credits: 2 Days


In this day and age, most communication that occurs is via writing in the corporate world. Having said this, some information ends up being distorted or miscommunicated due to poor writing skills. Clients can be lost, misunderstandings created amongst colleagues, etc., due to poorly worded emails, memos, notices, etc. Business Writing training will be delivered via Facilitation, Role plays and Discussions. Benefits of this program is that employees will be able to prepare written and participate in oral communications so as to meet business standards.

The following will be covered:

Use writing skills for specific purposes, audiences and contexts.

  • Time management skills are demonstrated in the planning of the text.
  • Texts used in the workplace or other environments are identified for specified transactional functions and an indication is given of the purpose of each text
  • The narrative voice appropriate to context, purpose and audience must be chosen.
  • Texts produced demonstrate considered choice of content and justification for inclusion of decisions/incidents/requirements.

Access, process, re-organise, and synthesise information in order to present it.

  • Ideas and information are gathered, organised and explicitly stated in text.
  • Selection of information in the text is appropriate to purpose, target audience and workplace context.
  • Topic sentences clearly state the main idea of a paragraph and be relevant to the text as a whole.
  • Information and explicit ideas from more than one source are consolidated into a coherent and cohesive, synthesised text.
  • Techniques used in the presentation are appropriate and effective

Use appropriate language conventions, textual features and style for specific workplace purposes.

  • Conventions common to a specific workplace are used appropriately
  • Terminology specific to a particular business function is applied
  • Textual features and style enhance the message and/or purpose

Draft and edit texts.

  • A checklist is created to facilitate reflection, editing and checked for accuracy and factual correctness of all information
  • Information accessed is checked for accuracy, bias, stereotyping and other possibly offensive details of language.
  • Texts are edited for coherence of ideas and relevance to the focus.
  • Drafts are checked for cohesion and redrafted where necessary.
  • Workplace jargon is interpreted and rephrased in plain language or used appropriately in the correct context when the terminology is essential to the understanding of the text.

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  • Twasa Corporate Training tailored the training to suit our daily operations and our learners were happy with the service delivery.

    Lelo Mahuma, Head of HR

  • The delegates and the company was happy with the training received. We would recommend their training due to the exceptional service received.

    Mamoraka Makhafola - L & D Facilitator

  • No hesitation in recommending Twasa Corporate Training as the feedback received from our employees or learners was that the service was exceptional.

    Lindy Methula - Assistant Director

  • Training provided by Twasa Corporate Training was well received and effective. Administration of training was professional.

    Violet Ngwenya - HR Practitioner
