Strategy is key in the success of all businesses, be it the strategy is that of diversification, exceptional service, growth, continuous improvement, digital transformation, etc., over the next 3-5 years or more for the organisation. As much as the organisation might have a board and/or executives that is highly qualified and experienced, they tend to get stuck in the day-to-day operations that include putting out fires in their business. Over time, the strategy that was crafted becomes a nice document that is not implemented across the organisation as part of organisational alignment or an outdated irrelevant strategy is implemented. There therefore is always a need to have Strategy Facilitation that is facilitated by a team of external and independent facilitators and this is where we can assist your organisation by taking the worry away from developing the agenda, minutes taking, objective questioning, drawing up the necessary reports, strategic plans, reviews or outputs of the strategy session, etc.
External threats and opportunities are constantly changing and so are internal strengths and weaknesses of any organisation as the environment that orgnaisations operate in are constantly changing. A prime example is the effect that Covid has had on how organisations need to run their operations if ever they are remain successful or relevant. Strategic facilitation will pose the invaluable questions and discussions that need to be considered by all organisations.